Change log¶
Example are now installed in GGEMS install path
Smart pointers removed and replaced by classic ‘new’ and ‘delete’ methods.
For Windows user, options application can be handled by methods defined in GGEMSWinGetOpt.
New classes GGEMSProfilerManager, GGEMSProfiler and GGEMSProfilerItem can be used to display details about elapsed time in OpenCL kernels.
GGEMS can be run on multi-devices GPU and/or CPU.
A new method in C++ and python handles the balance computation between each device.
In GGEMSOpenCLManager, ‘clean’ method cleans all GGEMS C++ singletons.
MHD file suffix is checked at the beginning of simulation.
New OpenCL kernel ‘is_alive’ checks if particles are alive after each batch
Problem reading material file on Linux windows is fixed
C++ Singleton GGEMSManager is deleted and replaced by GGEMS class
A security has been added to prevent infinite loop during tracking
For CT application, scatter histogram can be saved.
New class GGEMSWorld stores data (fluence (photon tracking), energy deposit, energy deposite squared and momentum) outside navigator (phantom and detector).
New example 5_World_Tracking illustrating new GGEMSWorld feature