Examples 6: OpenGL Visualization
Since GGEMS v1.2, the OpenGL library can be activated.
python visualization.py [-h] [-v VERBOSE] [-e] [-w WDIMS WDIMS] [-m MSAA] [-a] [-p NPARTICLESGL] [-b] [-c WCOLOR] [-d DEVICE] [-n NPARTICLES] [-s SEED]
-h/--help show this help message and exit
-v/--verbose Set level of verbosity
-e/--nogl Disable OpenGL
-w/--wdims OpenGL window dimensions (default: [800, 800])
for a 400x400 window: -w 400 400
-m/--msaa MSAA factor (1x, 2x, 4x or 8x) (default: 8)
-a/--axis Drawing axis in OpenGL window
-p/--nparticlesgl Number of displayed primary particles on OpenGL window (max: 65536) (default: 256)
-b/--drawgeom Draw geometry only on OpenGL window (default: False)
-c/--wcolor Background color of OpenGL window (default: black)
using blue color for background: -c "blue"
-d/--device OpenCL device running visualization (default: 0)
only 1 device available for this example
using device index 0: -d 0
-n/--nparticles Number of particles (default: 1000000)
-s/--seed Seed of pseudo generator number (default: 777)
Create instance of GGEMSOpenGLManager:
opengl_manager = GGEMSOpenGLManager()
Many parameters can be set for OpenGL:
opengl_manager = GGEMSOpenGLManager()
opengl_manager.set_window_dimensions(window_dims[0], window_dims[1])
opengl_manager.set_world_size(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 'm')
opengl_manager.set_particle_color('gamma', 152, 251, 152)
# opengl_manager.set_particle_color('gamma', color_name='red') # Using registered color
Display only geometry and system:
Using GGEMS for a complete visualization (geometry, system and particles):
The OpenGL window is interactive, the scene can be moved using keyboard or mouse:
* [Esc/X] Quit application
* [C] Wireframe view
* [V] Solid view
* [R] Reset view
* [K] Save current window to a PNG file
* [+/-] Zoom in/out
* [Up/Down] Move forward/back
* [W/S]
* [Left/Right] Move left/right
* [A/D]
* [Scroll Up/Down] Zoom in/out
* [Left button] Rotation
* [Middle button] Translation