Examples 0: Cross-Section Computation¶
The purpose of this example is to provide a tool computing cross-section for a specific material and a specific photon physical process. The energy (in MeV) and the OpenCL device are set by the user.
$ python cross_sections.py [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-m MATERIAL] -p [PROCESS]-e [ENERGY] [-v VERBOSE]
-h/--help Printing help into the screen
-d/--device Setting OpenCL id
-m/--material Setting one of material defined in GGEMS (Water, Air, ...)
-p/--process Setting photon physical process (Compton, Rayleigh, Photoelectric)
-e/--energy Setting photon energy in MeV
-v/--verbose Setting level of verbosity
The macro is in the file ‘cross_section.py’.
Verbosity level is defined in the range [0;3]. For a silent GGEMS execution, the level is set to 0, otherwise 3 for lot of informations.
GGEMSMaterial object is created, and each new material can be added. The initialization step is mandatory and compute all physical tables, and store them on an OpenCL device.
materials = GGEMSMaterials()
Before using a physical process, GGEMSCrossSection object is created. Then each process can be added individually. And finally cross sections are computing by giving the list of materials.
cross_sections = GGEMSCrossSections()
cross_sections.add_process(process_name, 'gamma')
Getting the cross section value (in cm2.g-1) for a specific energy (in MeV) is done by the following command:
cross_sections.get_cs(process_name, material_name, energy_MeV, 'MeV')